

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010

I wish I could use Father Mike’s “GOOD MORNING GOOD MORNING” right about now. I woke up on time but I was extremely tired. I was falling asleep during Mass (a few times during the homily…no offence Father Fonti). Brother Marcial was teasing me about that. I didn’t go up for communion for penance.

I sat with Monsignor Thelen, Brother Larry, and a few other brothers for breakfast. Monsignor was telling a story and now I can’t remember what it was, but I remember enjoying it. I was SO enthralled with the story, that I wasn’t paying attention to how long breakfast took and then I looked at the time. WOAH`! 7:15! Van leaves at 7:10. NO BUENO! Ran outside? It’s gone. Brother Chris (1) is very punctual. Damn. Hahahah. Now what? Ran upstairs and who’s there? But Brother James Hansen offered to take me to SJU. Awesome. I now had the ride. We jump in the car, we start heading there, and then he asked me which way to go…I’m from Long Island just like him. That means I have NO sense of direction, but we got there. I was only 15 minutes late for class and my professor was okay with it. She understands that people have off days. I had enough time to catch up anyway. My DNY class goes from 7:30-10:30. 3 hours? HA! I have trouble paying attention for 10 minutes. At least today was interesting. We talked about this book (that I didn’t receive through the University) that I will have to read.

I had a HELL of a time getting my books. I went yesterday to the bookstore to get two books on hold for me. I pre-paid them, so all I had to do was pick them up. I brought my receipt and they told me they had a copy of the receipt, and I needed my school I.D. card. I come back, frustrated, but with my ID card and what do they say? "You need your receipt to pick up your books." I was angry because this was the third time I had been to the bookstore for these books and the van was waiting. I had limited I pulled out the privilege I try to hardly use. I call it THE COLLAR PRIVILEGE. I went to the manager and pulled my great charm skills out of my rear-pocket and said the following with a big smile on my face:

"Hey, my name is James Reiss,
and I'm a Seminarian from the Cathedral Seminary Residence..?
(Pause for effect)
...I'm having a problem getting my books. Would you mind giving me a hand?"

And without another second, BOOM my books were in my hands as if I snapped my fingers. It wasn't exactly the right thing to do but special circumstances call for certain measures.

I had ran all the way across campus, but I was UNSUCCESSFUL. The van had already left. I had hit the lowest low of my day. I sulked back to campus, bummed and ran into someone there that I wasn't expecting. One of the Scotts.

The Scott family was very involved in my high school. I knew Chris the best. I was in the music group at school with Chris who was two grades above me. Katie was a year below me, and I knew her, but we didn't talk that much. Their dad was the Department Head for Theology. All of them are funny and likable. Andrew is the Scott I ran into. He's Chris' older brother and he's a Campus Minister at Saint John's University. We talked for a few minutes but he turned my spirit around. He invited me to the on-campus Mass at Saint Thomas More Church which gave me something to do.

It was a beautiful liturgy, given by the University's President, Rev. Donald Herrington. AND THE MUSIC! HOLY COW. It was beyond words. Closest being incredible. VERY MODERN. I liked it. A lot of guys in the house don't like new and modern music, but I embrace it. I think it adds a huge part to the mass. ESPECIALLY on a college campus setting. Do I think all masses should have all new music? No, but I think it should vary. Three old songs and one new one. Or two old, two new, etc..

I took the 1:30 van home, very happy. Got home for 2pm...was getting ready to jump into pajamas to relax and HELLO, I almost forgot its APOSTOLATE WEDNESDAYS!

Apostolate is kind-of like working for volunteer service hours. Both dioceses send there seminarians in two separate ways per diocese. So each diocese has it's Religious Education apostolate and it's Nursing Home apostolate to work with young and the old. Since my Discover New York (DNY) Class sometimes will interfere with my apostolate, I figured it wouldn't be fair to give students a catechist (Religious Ed instructor) that couldn't show up all the time (plus I will be teaching on Saturday mornings anyway) and that I'd go to the Polish Nun's Home on Cuba Hill Road.

I went, and ran into an old friend. Mrs. Reilly. Mrs. Reilly was my best friend (Dennis') neighbor. She lives at the home now. I got her to take a picture with us while I was cleaning the dishes. Sister Catherine also joined us. She has a firm fist, but she gave into my charm.

I had a great time today...and apparently, so did Brother Patrick.

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