

Sunday, September 26th, 2010

Sunday is by far my favoritest day of the week. Probably for it's formailty, but secondly, it's dress-code (of cassock and collar) is humbling and it really quiets you down when you've got a personality like mine. I'm ful of energy and once I start going, I do not stop. The solemnity of Sunday mornings at the Seminary is refreshing and slows you down for one-on-one time with God.

We as Americans never stop going. We always want to be doing something. We want to do everything and the 24 hour day is never enough. And in that day, do we make prayer-time? Time for God and ourselves to catch-up? To listen to the Almighty and what He is saying? He's always talking to us but we're so busy, that we don't listen. I constantly hear the question, "Is God calling you?" He probably is, but I'm always so busy, that I don't exactly listen.

What I encourage people to do is to put down their cell phones (myself included) and wait for the call from God. He calls us all to His Service. He calls us to be priests, or deacons, and/or to married life, or to the life of being a single individual, dedicated to the Holy Father in Heaven. Do we listen? Teenagers don't listen to their parents(Again, myself included). What makes you think that they'll listen to our Lord? I long for Teenagers to develop a relationship with God, for which He wants so much. He gives us the gift of waking up each morning and being in decent health. He gives us the ability to eat each day and spend time with those we love. Why can't we say a simple "thank you" to Him when we have time.

I want to be a priest, but am I being called? I must listen. I must listen to know which path I am being called to. I can not be a priest JUST BECAUSE I want to. I must do it because He calls me to serve "...a holy nation, a royal priesthood." I will go if I am called, but I wish for Him to make it clear to me and not as hazely as it is now.

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