

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

Today, I realized that the Devil's Temptation is everywhere around us, in everyway possible...especially, when you know you shouldn't have Starbucks, but you do anyway.

Today, I had Sociology with Dr. Trumino. Today's discussions were on Social Context (family, classroom, work, street) vs. Social Location (age, gender, race, ethnicity, social class) and how values have changed over time due to media and what Hollywood has put into our heads. What's most important to us? Money, Sex...this is what America now views as its values.

Television and Movies show that people are having "one-night stands" on a regular basis; showing America that this is the "norm" when in reality it's not. It is teaching my generation something that is immoral. Hollywood is taking advantage on humanity's fault. Fact: We are sexual beings. But just because we have the ability, doesn't mean we always have to. People are tricked by the media of today into believing that this is normal. Why are young people attracted to the "bad boy" side of humanity? We must rebel against this sort of action. Hollywood has today's youth in the palm of it's hand when we should be in the hand of the Lord.

I'm lightening the mood now because I will get carried away with what society has done to the youth of today. I had History of Ancient Philosophy  at 10:30 and it is so frustrating to keep up with. "What is there, isn't..." etc. Plus, I have no real interest in the subject of Ancient Philosophy, just the area that Philosophy is now...stemmed from what it was long ago. AHHHH, I'm talking like Dr. Henry now. Hahahaha. We have a paper due Friday, and my textbook hasn't come yet. I really hope it comes soon. But in the meantime, Brother Xavier has offered to share his text book (and apparently, I'm using him. His words, not mine. Hahahah) with me, and help me out on this assignment. Not too big. Two pages; thats all. But for a class you don't really like? Hahaha, that can be a living hell.

Took the van home at 12:10 back to the house. I rode SHOTGUN, but riding shotgun also means you hold the responsibility of saying the prayer for the van ride home. We remember a particular brother seminarian and we improv-pray. We say whatever the Holy Spirit tells us too. It doesn't take long. Just a few minutes. For the rest of the time we blast music in the van. I will ever remain faithful to finding the Baptist Church Gospel Music station. I've searched several stations, but I have not been successful.

I had my regular turkey and cheese for lunch. I appreciate the variety of food the kitchen, but I can't stand change. I absolutely loath it. Everyday I say to myself I will try the daily meal but if I have not had it before, I will not try it. I'm not a picky eater. I'm just afraid to try something new. It's a quality I'm not proud of but I accept it.

Tuedays and Wednesdays are "House Chore" days.
In the pictures above and below, you can see brother seminarians doing their chores.
We all rotate and do assignments.
It gives us a sense of family and brotherly love.
A while after lunch, I practiced music for our 5:30 mass with brothers Chris and Chris. I cant call them by their first name when they're together. I haven't figured out what to do yet. I think I'm going to separate them by Chris B. (they both start with the letter B), diocese (they're both in Brooklyn)...well, I've decided on Chris 1 and Chris 2. Thank goodness I didn't have to practice with both at the same time.

Above is a picture of me and Brother Chris 2
running our "2 Man Music Department" together

Brother Chris is a talented guitarist and as far as I understand it, he picked it up pretty much on his own. We picked out a whole bunch of songs that had to do with veneration to the Cross because "Today is the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, where we recall the triumph of the Cross against sin, satan, and death as well as fact that when we are baptised each one of us becomes part of Christ on His Cross so that through our daily crosses we may be brought to the Resurrection." 

This picture was a bit dark, and my grandfather brightened it up. Thanks Pop.
Father Marano with Father Fonti and Monsignor Thelen con-celebrating the
Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Like Sundays, Tuesdays are busy days. In the evening, we have 5:30 Mass, followed by dinner immediatly after at 6:30. That'll finish around 7pm and we have our Tuesday Rosary session at 7:15, immediatly followed by our House Conference.

At our House Conference, we talked about the Liturgy and it's importance in the Church. It was given by our Rector, Monsignor Thelen, who I will say over and over again has an incredible speaking voice and "stage presence". I think he would have been a great actor. He has the "finer" qualities of someone from that area of expertise. 

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