

Thursday, September 16th, 2010

Again, an adendum to last night's blog:
I thought it would be good to scare Brother Roger after he's scared Brother Larry and I so much.
I also decorated his door with post-its to make an "R" for Roger.
While he was distraced with the door, we both jumped out
and scared him. It was pretty funny, but you probably had to be there.
I had the HARDEST TIME getting up this morning. I was even too lazy to open my door for Brother Chris 1 (who wakes me up every morning, because my three alarm clocks can’t do it). I was up late with brothers Edwin and Xavier reading the first chapter of this book for Father Marc’s class (and not many are enthusiastic about it). It’s called Who Are We? By Louis P. Pojman. The chapter is only 24 pages. Not bad. I got up to page 10. Now that’s bad. Hahaha.
I had found a surprise on my door this morning:
Brother Larry had stole it off a paper towel dispencer from somewhere.
If anyone is missing a sign from their paper towel dispenser, see Brother Larry.

We had Philosophy of the Human Person with Father Marc. He is a quiet man and a humble man. He has quiet a few funny lines when you pull them out of him. He also has a brilliant mind. He has such a knowledge of Philosophy. Hopefully, he’ll be able to help me out with Dr. Henry’s Ancient Philosophy class (which I am currently COMPLETELY lost in…I’m so glad that paper is due tomorrow. ANYWAY…Father Marc has such a soft-spoken voice and I was sooo tired. You can imagine the results. Brother Edwin had to wake me up. I should probably try napping later. I should get into the habit of drinking coffee too.

My Philosophy of the Human Person class at the Seminary
A huge attendance of all SIX students from all grade levels.

I missed the van to the university (as usual, Brother Chris 1 probably has satalite time linked to his watch) so I rode in Brother Jeff's nice new Ford Explorer with him and Brother Xavier. We took three highways to get to school today...and we live 10 minutes from Saint Johns. I know, I couldn't add it up either. I got to the university and headed towards Saint Thomas More Church on campus. On my way I saw my friend Alexa from Sociology and I walked with her where she was going. I know God's not going anywhere hahaha. When walking, we saw this guy from the campus clean-up staff and it was pretty funny.
Our amigo with the sombraro!

Then I went to Multimedia Comm class. We had a great fire drill (that was pointless) but it was nice to get some fresh-air...10 minutes into class. Hahah.
Afterwards, I hung out with a friend from the class who is equally interested in religion. We had a great conversation about the future of the church and then went to the 12:15 mass together. It was a good experiance.
I thought I was catching a 1:30 van home, but apparently, it doesn't exsist. It's a one-way van and Brother Chris 1 parks and goes into class. BUMMER. I don't think I'll ever get this van thing down.
By the way, Chris 1 is the prefect of our house. He is the liason between faculty/staff and students. He is the moderator of all commites in the house and is a spiritual role model to the seminarians. He can lay down the law if he has to but he likes being our friend, and I respect him so much more for that.
I would compare Douglaston to Harry Potter but I don't wanna be excommunicated by the RCC (Roman Catholic Church). Hahah. When you think about it though it's pretty funny. They have a prefect for each house, a common room, different houses with different missions (that would be like religious orders vs. diocesan). Plus there is the deep mystery of what they do... which is similar to the church but nowhere near to being close.
Magic and Transubstantiation should NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES be confused. Magic is "slight-of-hand" tricks and illusions. According to Wikipedia, "Transubstantiation means the change of the substance of bread and wine into the substance of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist, while all that is accessible to the senses remains as before." I usually don't make it a habit of trusting Wikipedia but it was beautifully worded. Transubstantiation is not an illusion. The bread and wine at the Altar of God are "changed". They look the same and taste the same, but are not the same as they were before the Eucharistic Prayer.
Speaking of Transubstantiation, I'm thinking of my good friend Father Mike...WOAH` PADRE! Thinking of you. How far have I come right? BAHAHAH.
I went to lunch at the ON-CAMPUS TACO-BELL! Holy cow. In HEAVEN. I literally heard the Tabernacle Choir singing the "Alleluia". $5 for three soft tacos and a medium soda. When I saw the price, I yelled out the words of the Not So Reverend Borat: "VERY NICE."
Today's weather was a bit cruddy. It was cloudy and windy. Seemed stormish. I guess God didn't like me quoting Borat at Taco Bell. I can't see our Lord looking to kindly on it.
I caught the 3:00 van home with our prefect, Chris 1. Brother Daniel stole the shotgun seat. I did offer it but I didn't think he'd actually take it. My mistake. Hahah. I had a great van ride with brothers Nick, Jose, Joel, Daniel and of course Chris 1. You know how they say you need to watch out for the quiet ones? Brother Nick C. is a quiet one...but he said some funny things this past ride home that had me cracking up even after we got back to the house and for a lot of time after.
Right now its about 4pm, but I have a quiet night set up ahead. Just to work (or start working) on that paper and then there is mass at 5:30 and then NP at 9:45. I've got my work cut out for me. 

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