

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

First off, I want to start off saying "9/11...NEVER FORGET"


Tonight, I altar served the 5pm Mass with two friends who I have known for a long time through the Vacation Bible School program in my parish. We have been co-councilors and co-workers at the rectory together. As you can tell, we were all really excited to be there.

I have Fridays and Saturdays away from the seminary for personal time; whether its with friends or family, it is at our dicretion.

As much as I love the freedom I get from being in college, it is a relief to go home for a day or two to get off a strict schedule of prayer, mass and classes.

Don't get me wrong, I love being at the seminary. I feel at home, and when I say to a brother seminarian: "I'm heading home", they know I'm heading back to our residence. They also respect our desire to wanna temporarily get away "from it all" and have sometime to relax.

In the words of our Rector, Monsignor Robert Thelen "Being a seminarian is a full-time job. Period." He was not kidding. We have a crazy schedule between doing our service work or studying, but its worth it. It was the Monsignor who also said that Douglaston is a "...great place for guys who are thinking about the priesthood." I really love how he phrased that. I'm only 18 years old. I am young. As much as I aspire to be a priest, I need to know God is calling me to walk this road with Him. I have been here a week and have already learned a lot about myself and my faith. Imagine who I will be in a year from now, let alone four years!

This house isn't for men who know they should be priests. This is a house of discernment and formation. This house is for those who are open to God's call, and will follow Him if he is called.

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