

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

I found pictures from Brother Chris (1)'s Birthday!

Brothers Edwin and Chris (1)
Brother Chris, with Brother Nick giving Bunny Ears
and Brother James cutting the cake.

Brother Roger and Brother Chris (1) with Brother Chris (2) creeping in the backround, hahaha!
So this wasn't a day out of the ordinary. We had classes and in the afternoon, I lead a very SHELTERED few hours. I left the laughter and the business of the Seminary and went into retreat in my room. I read my book for my Discover New York class. I finished the 250 pages and a two page paper (that should have been three pages) in about six hours (which could have been done over the summer).

I like the idea of Discover New York, but not as a manditory class. I would be more enthusiastic about it if it wasn't required. I think if it was an elective people would excited about going, but because of the mindset that "we have to take this course" we're not as enthused. It's organization ability is also extremely flawed. When we left for Ellis Island last week, we left 45 minutes later then planned and when we got to our destination, we were hearded onto benches. It reminded me of high school feild trips.

Saint John's was also supposed to mail all their freshmen students the book during mid-July. Many students got it. Some didn't receive it, or the assignment. I heard about it two weeks ago while majority of the school had their books and were finished before school started. I think they shouldn't have shipped the books at all if they couldn't have sent it to all the students who were taking the course.

That night we didn't have house conference because the Monsignor wasn't in. We did have Rosary Session with Father Fred though.

My brother seminarians in prayer during the Rosary Session

Father Fred with the seminarians during the Rosary Session
After the Rosary Session, I retreated to my room until night prayer at 9:45 so I could work on my report for Discover New York.

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