

October 1st-8th, 2010

I'm getting too far behind on my blog so I'm gunna do a "Week-in-Wrap" Segment. If I continue to fall behind on my blog and studies, I may have to continue my "Week-in-Wrap" segments. What is a "Week-in-Wrap" segment? When I wrap up my week into one blog! WHOO HOOO!

I was supposed to take the 4pm train to Northport, but I missed it by seconds, so I took the 4:07 train home to Huntington where Dad picked me up. I spent the evening at home hanging out with my brother and Dad because Mom was working and my sister went to Pennsylvania to visit one of my best friend's college's. She went with his family and as far as I understand it, had a great time. I sent her with a present for Dennis, and by the looks of the picture I will post, I think he got it.

I had my first Religious Education class. There were five kids who showed up out of the seven.  Not bad. It was great for my first class. We listened to Christian Rock with the CD which skipped, but they were okay with it. We got through the Gospel and had a few discussions. They are a bright group of fifth graders and I look forward to working with them.

I was up at 6am and my brother went to volunteer his abilities at the church. He opened up the parish and I showed him what to do before Dad drove me to Douglaston. I got a note on my door from Brother Chris (2) saying that we would have practice at 8am. I find out I have four songs that I am unfamiliar with to learn to sing and play for the 11:30 mass. In addition to that, it would be my first Sunday on the organ (I butchered it). Sundays are so busy, from 7am when I got there, I thought I had all this day, but when I break it down, it is the following:
  • 9am Morning Prayer
  • 9:30 Breakfast
  • 10am Spiritual Conference with Father Fred
  • 10:45 Spiritual Conference ends...
Which means I've got from 7:30 (when I get music) til 8:50 before Morning Prayer...and from 10:45 til 11:20 (10 minutes before mass). When you add up the time it takes to set up, get music and get to the first floor from the first, I've literally got about an hour and a hour and forty five minutes if I'm lucky. Well, I gave it my best shot and I couldn't multi-task. I went to Brother Michael Falce and he gladly helped me out by singing so I could focus on the organ.

During the mass, I felt like I was gunna pass out. It was very hot in the Cassock so I had stripped after communion.  I felt better but to put it as Brother Henry did: "It sounded like you were having a heart-attack back there." Soon I wouldn't think that joke was too funny.
I missed Monday morning's mass. It's the second mass I missed. I slept right through. My wake-up buddy Brother Chris (1) never woke me up. I wake up at 7:10 to HUGE OBNOXIOUS BANGING at my door and who do I see but Brother Ralph with Brothers Larry and Roger. While I was in pajamas and a bathrobe, I wake to Brother Ralph saying "On the Behalf of the Monsignor, I officially kick you out of Douglaston. Pack your bags, you're done!" with a huge smile on his face. He enjoyed that WAY too much. It had woke me up though.

With the troop of Roger, Larry, and myself behind him, Ralph pranced over to our prefect's door, skipping as he walked. He said and I quote "I've been waiting to do this for three years." I could only imagine it was gunna be a similar speech but we never got to hear it. We knocked for a few minutes, and then broke a house rule and opened his door. We found his room without him in it. We then proceeded back towards the main hall scratching our heads a bit. We passed his hallway's bathroom, and poked our heads in. Brother Chris (1)'s Shower stall was shut. We knocked and yelled, and he didn't answer. We figured he was embarrassed that he, the prefect of the seminary had slept through mass, so he didn't want to be bothered. Figuring he needed his space, I went back to my room and got dressed. I had 7:30 class for Monday's with Marc, but before I headed downstairs, I went to check on our prefect, Brother Chris. I was heading to his room and I passed his bathroom, and I threw the door open as I passed just being obnoxious but his stall was still closed.

Something was bothering me about it so instead of going to his room, I went into the bathroom and stood outside his stall for about 15 seconds before I decided to call out his name. I'm glad I did because I heard of stirring groan from the stall. In panic, I looked over the stall, and found him on the floor, just waking up. I ran out of the bathroom for help and lucky for me, the Rector, Monsignor Thelen was right by the door. I called to him and he came with his "quick walk". By this time, I had slid under the stall to find Brother Chris on the floor, and I unlocked his stall. Brother Chris had been passed out since 5:30 that morning. Monsignor and I got him back to his room and Monsignor had called an ambulance just to make sure he was okay. I went down to class in shock and very quiet. Nobody said anything to me because I was usually late. Monsignor went with him to the hospital, and I was told I'd be kept posted of Brother's progress.
I've been told nothing really "actionwise" really happens at the house, yet within my first month of being there, we already have crisis' going on. Hahah. On a much lighter note, I thought my Apostolic was going to change. I heard that they needed more Religious Ed teachers at my parish on Wednesday afternoons. I really like working with the Polish Sisters of Saint Benedict but I would go where I was needed. I turned out that the Religious Ed department was asking for someone teaching a different grade then 5th. It seemed silly to make to separate lesson plans so I was told I could stay with the Benedictines, which I was delighted to here.
Brother Chris came back that afternoon which I flipped out about. I was really happy to see him. He is one of those guys you can always go to. A humble man, a holy man, and a great example of Christ. Brother Chris will make a great priest if that is where he is called.

I love the van rides that the house has. We're so obnoxious. It's great.

The back of our van is also... a Mexican Van (No offense Diego)

I had my usual Tuesday/Friday Breakfast with Brothers Xavier and Chris. With a joyful surprise, we were joined by Brother Ralph. He had had a test and joined us around 9:45. He has a great sense of humor and has an ego beyond stroking.

Brother Roger giving bunny ears to Brother Ralph
He is like the class clown except at the that would make him the Seminarian Clown. He lets nothing bother him, and can take a joke. He always can "dish 'nd take it" which is awesome. I can not stand those who can make fun of other people but when someone pokes at their own personal flaw, it's a serious issue. I was like that but I am trying to understand that the world is not out to get me. We're all on the same team, especially at the seminary.

We had our NYC trip with my Discover New York class to Central Park. Dad picked me up in the patrol car from Douglaston and took me to the subway by Jamaica station. He told me where to go and it was relatively simple (though I had his number punched in my phone for the second I got confused).

I had a bit of a Christian Witness experiance on the subway. A elderly woman almost got the door closed on her on the subway. A gentleman looked to the point that it caught my attention. He kind of kept glancing at me as I said the rosary on the subway. I could have sat down but I chose not to. My dad told me to watch out for the creepers, so I maintained a distance. He got off the subway the stop before me and quickly said on his way off "Thank you for your silent demonstration of courage and faith." It took me until the subway was moving again to take in what the man had said.  He didn't have to say anything, but I tell you, it was an incredible feeling hearing that from a random stranger.  
One of my friends was taking a train home to Long Island after the trip, so I went with her. I took the train to Huntington and she drove me to the Polish Nuns home which is about 10 minutes away. I came really late so I didn't really get to see or help the nuns but hopefully next week will be better.

I realized I haven’t blogged for a week so I figured I should make a list of what I did. God made the world in 7 days, psh. I lived the life of a freshman collegiate seminarian for 7 days. I think this could be harder. Hahah. And everyone whose saying that’s not funny, it is. God has a great sense of humor, otherwise I wouldn’t be in the seminary.

I unintentionally ran into Brother Ralph at the Starbucks Cafe so I had a coffee with him. I don't really see brothers on Mondays and Thursdays because they all have class. Brother Ralph's class was cancelled so we just hung out and laughed for about an hour.

Since it was the feast of the Holy Rosary, we had a House Rosary Session today instead of our usual Tuesday session.


Get me outta here! I need and want out. So I went to my usual classes and went back to Douglaston to wait to be picked by my family for our annual apple picking trip. Dad got stuck in a tree. It was amuzing. We went to one of those Asian resturants that they make the food right in front of you? I'd spell the name, but I'd butcher the spelling. Easier to say then spell.

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