

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

Dad drove me back Sunday morning, but we didn't go for breakfast. Left my collar in the car so I had to borrow from Brother Michael Falce. He knows his liturgical clothing. Its very impressive. It must be that great prep school he went to that Father Fred is the rector. Is it St. Francis Prep where they had swine flu? Oh no, Father Fred's in charge of that other prep. Hahahahahah.

At 9am, we have MP (Morning Prayer) in the Main Chapel is cassock and surplice. Its always a cool thing to see all the seminarians in liturgical attire. Something about it is motivating and makes you remember what you are discerning and who you are aspired to be.

Picture Courtesy of Brother Jose Henriquez
Immediately after we had a nice breakfast in the dining hall. Following that we had house conference with Father Fred. It started off with Father Fred saying he found a DVD of Wedding Crashers next to the Padre Pio DVDs and wanted to know who pulled the prank, but it turned out it was one of the Seminarians and they had lost it. It was super funny. Everyone was laughing. The main part of the spiritual talk was about the virtues and that we'll be focusing on them this year. We also talked about the garbage cans and how there is a SEPARATE garbage cans for recycles. We must remember that, otherwise Father Fred will punish us... he won't give us communion at mass or something. Hahahah.

11:30 mass was a beautiful liturgy. Chris (2) and I played while Chris (1) sang. We practiced hard and received the fruits from our labors. I mean this in the humblest way possible; WE DID AWESOME.

Brother Marcial took me to a 1:30 train to hang out with friends on the south shore of Long Island and then took another one later on to get back to Jamaica where Brother Michael Falce picked me up. We picked up Burger King on the way home and brought it back.

We watched a lot of guys play Ping Pong doubles. It was really fast and they dominated.

Picture Courtesy of Brother Jose Henriquez
 Monsignor's got a wicked serve. I am learning how to play but it's not as easy as it looks. It takes a lot of hand-eye coordination which coincidentally, I lack.

 9pm was Holy Hour, Confession and Night Prayer. I always love being back at the Seminary after going out and hanging with friends. I love coming to that peace and tranquility, even though at points it can intimidate me.

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