

Friday, September 17th, 2010

We had Twisters in Queens last night. I think there was a total of two. It was crazy. We were in Mass and all of a sudden you could feel the air pressure change drastically. Then the skies opened up and the heavens poured down on the chapel's roof. I thought it was just a rainstorm but apparently, there was much more devastating results.

It was hard getting to school on Friday. Many roads were shutdown. I had Sociology at 7:30 and went to D'Angelo Center for Starbucks with Brother Chris 1 and Brother Xavier.

History of Ancient Philosophy was at 10:30. That's a tough class. With Dr. Henry? He's so smart...just above my level of smart (NAHT). Brother Xavier and I just keep looking at each other. We get what he's saying (I think because he repeats what he's saying so much, but that makes me second guess myself). I get so confused there.

Afterwards I had music practice for Friday afternoon for Sunday morning mass with Brother Chris 2. We did a great time. We played my favorite song: Hope at the Crossroads, and he improved on guitar. He's great at improvisation. I look forward to practicing with him because we get our work done and then we can goof around and play a bit with secular (non-religious) music we like.

Friday night was the most beautiful night I had experienced in a long time.

The Blessed Sacrament Exposed
It was an amazing night. I had gone with brother seminarians to the Holy Hour at the Seminary of Immaculate Conception. I had processed in with my brothers to the altar and it was an amazing and powerful experience. SO powerful. At a point, I was on the verge of tears. It's close to indescribable. You could tell God's presence was soaring through the chapel. It was painful at first (praying with your knees in contact with the marble floor was a struggle) but after a while it didn't matter! I was so at peace. It was an amazing feeling, and I was scared of it. That peace, that was foreign to me.

Picture Courtesy of:

From the Seminarian's view, this is how it looked. Almost exactly like it. Two seminarians are assisting the presider of the Adoration Service and many lay men and women in addition to priests and religious alike, adore from in front of the altar while the rest of the seminarians are behind overlooking the congregation. This is actually quite "de ja vous-ish," because this is the same view I had from the Sanctuary.

Seminarian Brothers Diego, myself, and Roger.
My friend picked me up from the Holy Hour and drove me home afterwards since I live relatively close to the Major Seminary in Huntington and I slept at my house for the night.

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