



I'm back, and I'm
(and a little bit of white)
My brother Peter and I on Family Day at Douglaston
So what I need to catch you up on...I'll start with:
  • Peter's Confirmation
  • Halloween at Douglaston
  • Family Day at Douglaston
Sorry I disappeared for a while. I was struggling with school work and I my life was falling apart at the seams (as shown in the picture below), but I semi pulled myself together.

I was also encouraged by Brother Chris 2's mother. I didn't know how many people were reading this, but she encouraged me to start it up again. I dedicated this post to your Mama Baer.

Let's start with Confirmation:

This is me with my family at Saint Anthony of Padua R.C. Church after Peter's Confirmation. Since the parish has such a large class that is confirmed each year, we have two separate Confirmation Masses. Our presider was Bishop Libasci who is an incredible human being. During his homily, he encouraged the kids (that were to be Confirmed) to do good things...otherwise, through the court system, people would "...screw their brains out." He had all Confirmandi laughing. I looked at the congregation during the sermon, and the eighth grade kids (and their parents) were actually paying attention (which as you can tell by my italics,is a foreign concept). Bishop Libasci targets his homilies to reach all audiences. He is the type of priest many seminarians look up to. He captivated the people of the parish. It's a shame that he isn't seen more often.

We had a house Halloween party on Sunday, October 31st.

Above: Roger as a Mime
Below: Larry as a Cat

We watched the movie Rec. which was a fake documentary on a house of Fire Fighters and they were locked into a building with a bunch of crazy people who are sick. One by one, they all get this "sickness" and at the end of the movie, the last person is bitten and they all are crazy. It was insane. Everyone was jumping.  

Click Here for a trailer to preview the scary movie Rec.

If I find more pictures, I will post them. I went as a Rabbi, and my friend Sandro as a Pope. We also had a bishop there so it was an entire Ecumenical Council! A good time was had by all.

Family Day was an exciting event!

Top Left: My two siblings and myself
Top Right: Peter and I
Middle Left: My mother and I
Bottom Left: My Aunt Karla, me and Uncle Peter
Bottom Right: Catherine and I

Attendies representing my family included my parents, my two siblings, and my aunt and uncle. I played the organ for the mass, and my sister made faces at me the whole time which made me laugh while playing. Thank goodness it didn't screw me up.

Yet to come:

  • Thanksgiving Day Parade

  • Mega Prank week

  • Islander vs. Ranger Hockey Game

  • My first weekend at Douglaston

  • Lessons and Carols

  • House Christmas Party


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